Saturday, April 27, 2013

SONY E3 2013 Predictions!

Hey guys, E3 is coming up in just a few months so i'm gonna run down a list of predictions I think are the top 10 things we are most likely to see from SONY this year. Plus, i'll let you know what long shots I don't think we will see but I hope we do!

1. PS4 box
I think this is a no brainer, they WILL show us what it looks like. Also, it will be beautiful!!!
2. PS VITA price drop
It's no secret the vita is having a hard time. I love mine, and I believe you would love one too - if it was a little cheaper. Heres to hoping SONY thinks so also. (Would be nice to see a memory card price cut also.)
3. PS VITA Games
Pared with the price cut I think SONY has no choice but to hit us hard with some games. I'm talking stand alone titles, no HD remakes and no PSN/PS3 ports.
4. PS VITA Bundle
With the VITA not doing so hot I think SONY is gonna do everything they can to get it in yours hands, especially if it is suppose to play with the PS4 so well. So i think Sony will announce some VITA bundles with perhaps the aforementioned games or the ones we already know about, we can only hope that is they do the bundle will include a large memory card.
5. PS3 support
SONY will make sure that we know they didn't forget about the PS3. Announcing games still to come blah blah blah.
6. New LBP
It doesn't feel like SONY without sack-boy, so at the very least I think we will get a name for the new entry in the series. "LittleBigPlanet 3" "LittleBigUniverse" or something else, not sure.
7. Uncharted 4
It would work so well, fresh off what is bound to be a great game: "The Last of Us." Naughty dog's other half could help ship a few PS4s by making U4 a launch title, or at least launch window.
8. New IP
We already saw "Knack" a PS4 title and new IP, but i have no doubt that SONY will bring at least one if not more new IPs with them to the party. By having the PS4 announced before E3 they leave themselves a lot of time for games. PS3 launched with some new properties (Uncharted, Resistance, and others) why not PS4?
9. Infamous Second Son game play
I'm not a huge fan of Infamous, I played the first but never had time to finish it, or to even play the second. However I have friends that swear by it, but they have one concern about the new one, FIRE! They seem a little worried about the new protagonist not using electricity. I think SONY knows this could be a problem. So I would bet a pretty penny on some game play.
10. MOVE Game
I really hope they don't, but something tells me there will be at least one. Fingers crossed for me being wrong on this!

With SONY unveiling the PS4 earlier in the year they have really put themselves in the position to focus on games and the VITA. I hope they take advantage of this opportunity and remind people of what a real E3 conference should look like. Now if they really wanted to blow our socks off they would also announce these
5 6 things. Take note that this stuff probably wont happen.
1. The Last Guardian
This little baby has been in hell, now if SONY gave us a solid release date some of us would lose it!!!!
2. Price
Now some people care not what the price is. However I do, it would be super sweet of SONY to let me know how much I need to save.
3. Two Controllers
How nice would it be to get an extra controller at no extra cost? You could jump right into a few games of "Shadow Fall" with a buddy on the couch!
4. PS4/VITA bundle
Here kid take both for $600! This would be so nice, plus it would jump start the eco system SONY is trying to create. However this would probably cost then a bit much.
5. God of War 4
I want the true sequel to GoW3 but with "Ascension" just coming out i doubt it will happen so soon. Come on SONY prove me wrong!
6. Bio Shock VITA
It was said, but nothing ever got shown. Basically it was just an idea, if even an idea maybe just some unfounded hyped shit talk. Make me happy SONY and let me know this wasn't all just a joke.

Thanks for reading guys, let me know what you think we will see from SONY or just what you want to see. Also check back to see my predictions on NINTENDO and MICROSOFT.
Ehh guess there wont be one for NINTENDO....sorry
Follow me on Twitter @Matthew110491

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