Saturday, April 27, 2013

Will you miss NINTENDO at E3 2013?

    So i'm sure you have heard by now, NINTENDO will not be having a press conference at E3 this your. Now don't let that confuse you, that doesn't mean they wont be at E3 they just wont be on stage. On one side of the argument you have the NINTENDO faithful, that say "Oh they don't need a conference cause they announced Wii U last years so now it's all games." but see there is a problem with that. The problem is they are a hardware company with failing hardware. They need to make as much noise about the Wii U as possible. Even with that pushed aside you have to remember that NINTENDO is one of the big three, so why would they not act like it? The fans can say that crap about  "Its all software this year" if they want but UBISOFT will have a conference EAwill have a conference and both of them deal in software.

    Another point that warrants to be talked about is "FFG" or Far Future Games. See those are games you can come out during the conference and mention, show a logo for and move on to the next Mario game. On the floor however you cant do that, on the floor people want watchable, playable demos not cardboard cut outs of super duper Mario Bros. See thats is where NINTENDO misses out, without the full on conference they don't leave themselves room to sell us pipe dreams that they haven't even started yet.

   In conclusion.......BAD move NINTENDO, with the Wii U you need to be playing the long con, much like SONY with the VITA. Sell me on buying now cause I know the games are coming later, just give me a title for Zelda U, give me a title for Kirby U, no game play? Thats okay, I didn't expect there to be any. On the floor though, you better have some game play, a release window, and a sequel in the works.

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